Digital Marketing

Even with your pages optimized for search engines, you still need to pursue Digital Marketing to separate yourself from the competition.


Email Marketing

One of the most direct ways to communicate with your customers is email marketing. Once you have an email of an interested party, you can communicate your products, services and promotions.

To build an email list with a high ROI and conversion rate, you’ll have to get website visitors’ to signup and “opt-in”.

Once someone visits your site because they are interested, and signs up, you have a “qualified” lead.

To get interested people to your site, social media marketing and online advertising are two pillars of digital marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Once your website is up and running, and your pages are optimized for search engines, you have laid the foundation for Digital Marketing.

However, to get potential customers to hand over their email for something in return, like an offer of interest, you still need to get (the right) people to your site.

Social media marketing, posting blogs, infographics and images, all someway linked to what you are about and what you sell, may get them to your site.

Getting a conversion, whether their email address or an actual sale, is the next and ultimate objective.

Online Advertising

Social Media Marketing, surprisingly, has its limits. It can be limited in quantity (i.e. size) or quality (i.e. wrong target group), which means you may have to augment your online marketing to reach your chosen target group or aim for a bigger audience.

Paid advertising online, whether search driven advertising, or content driven advertising are two options. There are various platforms, depending on what you are looking for, that are able to segment users, to specifically aim for the group you are targeting.

The more your advertising is aimed at the right target group, the higher your ROI.


Critical Success Factors

No Matter What You Do!

Test, Test, Test!

It is easy and tempting to go full blast with digital marketing to get customers to your site.

I can tell you, getting visitors and traffic is easy! Getting the right visitors, that convert, is a whole different ball game!

Spending money on getting a lot of traffic to your site is a waste of money and time, if they’re the wrong visitors!

Test your strategy to see what works, before going bigger. Map what you are doing, so you can consistently repeat it!

Start Small..!

When you start out, figuring out what works and what does not means you will spend some money that may not provide a return, e.g. a conversion. That’s OK, provided you learn from this and work towards a model and strategy that does work.

Figuring out what does work, on a (relatively) small scale can save you a lot of money, and possibly save you from losing your business before it has gained traction. Be smart!

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Numbers Don’t Lie!

As we used to say at The Gillette Co. …. “Liars can figure….but figures don’t lie! If you “massage” your financial model to make things look good, you may be in for a nasty surprise!

Test, test, test, at a relatively small level, and look at the real numbers, from e.g. Analytics.

They’ll provide you with valuable feedback! If the result is not as you expected, keep tweaking your plan until you gain traction and an ROI. Only then hit the throttle!

The Black Box Theory


We are so used to hitting the letter “h” on our keyboard and seeing it on our computer screen, right?

It is but one example of many, that describes the “Black Box Theory” in its essence. The input, is you touching a key, whereas the computer is the “Black Box” where “magic” happens, and the “h” on your screen is the output.

Digital Marketing is another example of the “Black Box Theory” at work. Your “input” is money and actions. The internet and world-wide web is the “black box”. And a successful conversion and sale (or not) is the “output”.

To use the “Black Box Theory” for optimal results, you test the “inputs” on a small scale, monitor the “output” against your expectations, map what happened, and tweak your “input” and “model” until the results meet your aforementioned expectations.

Once you are able to establish a correlation between your input and expected output, and you are able to partially or wholly map what’s going on in the “Black Box” of the internet, you should be able to create, or finalize a solid Digital Marketing plan that provides you with an ROI.

- Hans van Putten

Happy Clients

“I worked with Hans for many years as he grew the Carolyn’s brand. His leadership and forward thinking expanded the product offerings and the customer base as well as implementing new technologies in marketing and data analysis.”

-Jennifer Bennett

“He puts out great and thoughtful work!”

-David Dowd

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Hans van Putten - Digital Artist - Marketer and Business Advisor